
Sunday, February 17, 2019

Julius Caesar Analysis :: essays papers

Julius Caesar AnalysisAristotle was perhaps the pioneer of modern day dramas, more than itemally dramatic tragedies. He first defined what a catastrophe is A drama which contained hubris, pathos and/orbathos, and the most valued component part in a tragedy, a tragic sub. This was usually the main portion who is noble in hisdeeds, yet has one flaw which ca subprograms him to fall. The tragic whole shebang of Shakespe are were no exception. In the drama, JuliusCaesar the reader can intelligibly see many of the principles of atragedy. That is all except for the tragic hero. Ideas as towho is the tragic hero range from Cassius to Julius Caesarhimself. The trouble is all vitrines have material to proveand confute them. However the hypothesis that Marcus Brutus isthe tragic hero is incorrect. One element to a tragic hero isthe hero has only one tragic flaw, and Brutus clearly has morethan one flaw in his character. The first flaws in Brutuscharacter is his naivete and the trusts h e begins aboutother characters. Through out the wide-cut story these two flawsare reflected in many of his decisions and actions. A specificexample is his view on the Roman populace. Thinking all Romansare honorable and noble it is not only incorrect, but itplagues him until the very stopping point of the play. One instanceoccurred as the conspirators were meeting. Brutus stated, Letskill him boldly, but not wrathfully...... This shall make ourpurpose necessary and not envious.... (Shakespeare, JuliusCaesar, 2.1. 172 & 177-178). He honestly believed that all complex were going to kill Caesar for honorable reasons. Notonce did he inquiry the motives of everyone, where, in realityBrutus probably was the only involved for noble reasons. Brutusdoubtlessly convinces the reader of his own naivete when hestates, ... let us clean our hands in Caesars blood... Letsall cry Peace, freedom, and familiarity (3.1. 106 & 110) Justby his enthusiasm, Brutus is not aware of any other motives . He simplybelieves that , Peace, freedom, and liberty are the only motives.Another example was during his speech at Caesars funeral. ... notthat I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more (3.2. 18-20).Addressing the nobility of his actions and his love for Rome, Brutussurmises that the people understand him because of their equal lovefor their country. This assumption is evident because he uses it asthe sole reason for killing Caesar. A reason that Brutus believes thepeople agree with, otherwise he would not use it to rationalize such a

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